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The News No Sponsor Ever Wants To Receive
When pharmaceutical companies hire a contract research organization (CRO) to manage their clinical trials, they may assume that the trial management includes detailed oversight of data collection and analysis. It does most of the time, but ultimately, the responsibility for data governance remains with the sponsor. This lesson was brought home to many sponsors on…
PharmaLive: Decentralized Clinical Trials are Here to Stay
The technology is designed to enable connection to any source data system, enabling connectivity in identifying, monitoring, and managing trial risks.
Key Considerations When Implementing a Decentralized Trial
The popularity of decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) is surging—especially among patients. Harnessing technology of all kinds, these trials provide an attractive alternative to the old-style site-anchored system on which traditional clinical trials have rested. They also have the potential to provide better, more timely data, since that data is largely collected under real-life situations and…
A Practical Guide to Using Machine Learning for RBQM in a New Clinical Trial Landscape
Artificial intelligence technology, including machine learning (ML), is an increasingly hot topic in clinical research, but there are still important questions to be answered when putting these systems into action. This practical webinar will help set your organization up for success by offering a fresh perspective on the key goals of risk-based quality management (RBQM)…
Overcoming Barriers to Embracing Data
As an industry, we are drowning in data. But are we using it effectively? We know that the best way to make truly informed decisions is to ground them in facts — and that only by seeing all the data as a whole are we able to have the necessary context. Yet often, we don’t…
A Practical Guide to Using Machine Learning for RBQM in a New Clinical Trial Landscape, Upcoming Webinar Hosted by Xtalks
MORRISVILLE – October 1, 2021 – Remarque Systems is hosting a free webinar on October 13. The featured speakers will discuss how to align your team on the basic RBQM framework to reorient your trial management strategy toward your goals and where in the RBQM process, ML can be leveraged most easily. Attendees will learn…
Outsourcing-Pharma: Remarque Lands Patent for Risk-Based Quality Management Platform
The technology is designed to enable connection to any source data system, enabling connectivity in identifying, monitoring, and managing trial risks.