Alternative Monitoring: Clinical Trial Management In The Era Of COVID-19

Effective Trial Continuity In the Face of a Pandemic

While social distancing and isolation are paramount, clinical trials must adapt to remain viable.

However, many clinical trial sponsors still have questions about how to effectively gather collective insights and apply them to improve their clinical trials.

The result is a call for risk-based quality management (RBQM), which requires a new approach to design, manage, and monitor clinical trials.

Remarque can identify and prioritize sites and associated data that are likely to have a significant impact on study data quality.

Our new eBook takes a look at how RBQM can yield more efficient, effective results. The eBook highlights:

  • Key components of RBQM
  • How to ensure patient safety without solely relying on on-site monitoring and high SDV
  • Why regulators are recommending a flexible, trial-specific approach based on risk
  • Steps to effectively implementing RBQM

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